We started this website with the intention to help you pass your Backflow Certification Exam!!
We have multiple Backflow Certifications (ABPA, AWWA and working on an ASSE Backflow Certification), so we know firsthand how overwhelming the Backflow Certification Process can be and how it can feel like information overload when practicing testing backflow assemblies. Because of that, we made it our mission to be the guides we wished we had when we started preparing for the Backflow Certification Exams.
The first thing we have to do is learn your particular backflow certification process in your state, and the second part is to help prepare you so you walk into your Backflow Certification Exam with confidence so you can pass it!
We created our Backflow Testing Simulator to help students and professionals practice testing backflows virtually from their phones, tablets, or computers. Don't get us wrong, hands on testing is the best way to learn and memorize how to test and diagnose a Backflow Assembly. (Muscle memory.) But our Backflow Testing Simulator gives you access to keep practicing testing if you'd like more time to practice or help you diagnose an issue
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